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When using lsp-mode most of the features depend on server capabilities. lsp-mode provides default bindings which are dynamically enabled/disabled based on the server functionality. All the commands are configured lsp-command-map which is bound to lsp-keymap-prefix (default s-l).

Keybinding Description
s-l w s Entry point for the server startup.
s-l w r Restart language server
s-l w q Shutdown language server
s-l w d Describes current session
s-l w D Disconnect the buffer from the language server keeping the server running.
s-l = = Ask the server to format this document.
s-l = r Ask the server to format the region, or if none is selected, the current line.
s-l F a Add new project root to the list of workspace folders.
s-l F r Remove project root from the list of workspace folders.
s-l F b Remove project root from the workspace blocklist.
s-l T l Toggle code-lens overlays.
s-l T L Toggle client-server protocol logging.
s-l T h Toggle symbol highlighting.
s-l T S Toggle minor mode for showing information for current line in sideline. (requires lsp-ui)
s-l T d Toggle minor mode for showing hover information in child frame. (requires lsp-ui)
s-l T s Toggle signature auto activate.
s-l T f Toggle on type formatting.
s-l T T Toggle global minor mode for synchronizing lsp-mode workspace folders and treemacs projects. (requires lsp-treemacs)
s-l g g Find definitions of the symbol under point.
s-l g r Find references of the symbol under point.
s-l g i Find implementations of the symbol under point.
s-l g t Find type definitions of the symbol under point.
s-l g d Find declarations of the symbol under point.
s-l g h Show the incoming call hierarchy for the symbol at point. (requires lsp-treemacs)
s-l g a Find all meaningful symbols that match pattern.
s-l h h Display the type signature and documentation of the thing at point.
s-l h s Activate signature help.
s-l h g Trigger display hover information popup and hide it on next typing.
s-l r r Rename the symbol (and all references to it).
s-l r o Perform the source.organizeImports code action, if available.
s-l a a Execute code action.
s-l a l Click lsp lens using ‘avy’ package.
s-l a h Highlight symbol at point.
s-l G g Peek definitions to the identifier at point. (requires lsp-ui)
s-l G r Peek references to the identifier at point. (requires lsp-ui)
s-l G i Peek implementation locations of the symbol at point. (requires lsp-ui)
s-l G s Peek symbols in the workspace. (requires lsp-ui)
C-u RET When inserting C-u will change the behaviour from insert to replace or vice versa depending on lsp-completion-default-behaviour

which-key integration#

To enable which-key integration in the active major mode for lsp-mode-map you will need to call the lsp-enable-which-key-integration function. This could be done when lsp-mode starts with the following:

(with-eval-after-load 'lsp-mode
  (add-hook 'lsp-mode-hook #'lsp-enable-which-key-integration))

You can also enable which-key integration for all major modes by passing t as a parameter. This is useful for buffers that can use multiple major modes like those using vue-mode.

Last update: March 25, 2025