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For more information about the LSP server, check ada_language_server.


This Server supports automatic install. Install this language server with M-xlsp-install-serverRETada-lsRET.

For more instructions on how to install manually, check here.

Debugger: Yes (gdb)#

Available configurations#


Type: file

Default: ada_language_server

Command to start the Ada language server.


Type: (choice (const never) (const usage_and_abstract_only) (const definition_only) (const always) (const :tag Not Specified nil))

Default: nil

Policy for displaying overriding/overridden subprograms on navigation requests.


Type: (choice (const gnat) (const leading) (const :tag Not Specified nil))

Default: nil

Style used to extract documentation for an entity.


Type: (choice (const :tag Enabled t) (const :tag Disabled :json-false) (const :tag Not Specified nil))

Default: nil

Whether diagnostics are enabled.


Type: (choice (const :tag Enabled t) (const :tag Disabled :json-false) (const :tag Not Specified nil))

Default: nil

Whether the server indexes the source files after loading a project.


Type: (choice (const :tag Enabled t) (const :tag Disabled :json-false) (const :tag Not Specified nil))

Default: nil

Whether the server sends information to control folding comment blocks.

Type: (choice (const :tag Enabled t) (const :tag Disabled :json-false) (const :tag Not Specified nil))

Default: nil

Whether the server attempts to resolve symlinks for file names.


Type: (choice (const :tag Enabled t) (const :tag Disabled :json-false) (const :tag Not Specified nil))

Default: nil

Whether to automatically insert missing with-clauses for completions.


Type: (choice function (repeat :tag Library Folders (directory :tag Library Folder)))

Default: lsp-ada--default-library-folders

List of Ada library folders.

Library folders contain source which may be visited from a workspace, but whose source files are not themselves considered a separate workspace. This typically applies to language run-time source file folders.

Instead of a list of a folders, a function may be provided, which will be called with the most recently active workspace as a parameter and must return a list of Ada library folders, or nil if none.


Type: (choice (integer :tag Threshold) (const :tag Not Specified nil))

Default: nil

Maximum number of preserved trace files in the ALS log directory.


Type: (choice (integer :tag Threshold) (const :tag Not Specified nil))

Default: nil

Number of parameters when named notation is used in completion snippets.


Type: (choice (const :tag Enabled t) (const :tag Disabled :json-false) (const :tag Not Specified nil))

Default: nil

Whether textDocument/onTypeFormatting request only indents a new line.


Type: (choice (string :tag Charset) (const :tag Not Specified nil))

Default: UTF-8

The charset to use by the Ada Language server. Defaults to 'UTF-8'.


Type: (choice (const :tag Enabled t) (const :tag Disabled :json-false) (const :tag Not Specified nil))

Default: nil

Whether the Ada Language Server should emit project diagnostics.

This setting is ignored if lsp-ada-enable-diagnostics is not enabled. A workspace reload is necessary to refresh the diagnostics after modifying this setting.


Type: (choice (string :tag File) (const :tag Not Specified nil))

Default: nil

GNAT Project file used to configure the Language Server.

Both absolute and relative paths are supported within the project file name. When a relative path is used, the path is relative to the root folder.

When the project file is not specified, the Language Server will attempt to determine the project file itself, either by querying 'alr', if the root folder contains an alire.toml file and 'alr' was found in the path, or otherwise by searching for a unique project file in the root folder. For Alire projects, whose project file was discovered by querying 'alr', the server will also query and populate the Alire environment.


Type: (choice (string :tag Path) (const :tag Not Specified nil))

Default: nil

Path to use for out-of-tree builds.


Type: (choice (const :tag Enabled t) (const :tag Disabled :json-false) (const :tag Not Specified nil))

Default: nil

Whether to apply textDocument/rename to comments.


Type: (choice (string :tag Root Dir) (const :tag Not Specified nil))

Default: nil

The root directory for artifact relocation.

This setting must be used in conjunction with lsp-ada-relocate-build-tree.


Type: (alist :tag Scenario Variable(s) :key-type (symbol :tag Variable Name) :value-type (string :tag Value))

Default: nil

Scenario variables for project.


Type: (alist :key-type string :value-type (choice (face :tag Face) (const :tag No Face nil)))

Default: ((namespace . default) (modifier . lsp-face-semhl-keyword))

Semantic token face overrides to be applied.


Type: (alist :key-type string :value-type (choice (face :tag Face) (const :tag No Face nil)))

Default: ((declaration) (definition) (implementation) (static) (modification) (documentation) (defaultLibrary))

Semantic token modifier face overrides to be applied.


Type: (choice (const :tag Enabled t) (const :tag Disabled :json-false) (const :tag Not Specified nil))

Default: nil

Whether to enable snippets in completion results.


Type: (choice (const :tag GNATformat t) (const :tag GNATpp :json-false) (const :tag Not Specified nil))

Default: nil

Enables GNATformat as the formatting provider for Ada source files.

This option controls the formatting provider.

Last update: March 25, 2025