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For more information about the LSP server, check elmLS.


This Server supports automatic install. Install this language server with M-xlsp-install-serverRETelm-lsRET.

npm i -g @elm-tooling/elm-language-server, or clone the repository and follow installation instructions

Debugger: Not available#

Available configurations#


Type: boolean

Default: nil

Enable/Disable linting diagnostics from the language server.


Type: file

Default: ``

The path to your elm-format executable.

Should be empty by default, in that case it will assume the name and try to first get it from a local npm installation or a global one. If you set it manually it will not try to load from the npm folder.


Type: file

Default: nil

Path for elm-language-server. Can be installed globally with: npm i -g @elm-tooling/elm-language-server, or manually by cloning the repo and following the installing instructions.


Type: file

Default: ``

The path to your elm executable.

Should be empty by default, in that case it will assume the name and try to first get it from a local npm installation or a global one. If you set it manually it will not try to load from the npm folder.


Type: file

Default: ``

The path to your elm-test executable.

Should be empty by default, in that case it will assume the name and try to first get it from a local npm installation or a global one. If you set it manually it will not try to load from the npm folder.


Type: boolean

Default: nil

Only update compiler diagnostics on save, not on document change.


Type: (repeat string)

Default: (--stdio)

Arguments to pass to the server.


Type: boolean

Default: nil

Skip confirmation for the Install Package code action.


Type: boolean

Default: nil

Enable/disable trace logging of client and server communication.

Last update: March 25, 2025