Type: hook
Default: nil
Hooks to run when text edit is applied. It contains the operation source.
Type: hook
Default: nil
Hooks to run after diagnostics are received.
Type: hook
Default: nil
List of functions to be called after a Language Server has been initialized for a new workspace.
Type: hook
Default: nil
Hooks executed after asking for code suggestions.
Type: hook
Default: nil
List of functions to be called after a new file with LSP support is opened.
Type: hook
Default: nil
List of functions to be called after a Language Server has been uninitialized.
Type: boolean
Default: t
Whether to apply edits returned by server after file operations if any.
Applicable only if server supports workspace.fileOperations for operations:
workspace/willCreateFiles' and
Type: boolean
Default: t
Auto configure lsp-mode' main features.
When set to t
lsp-mode' will auto-configure completion,
code-actions, breadcrumb, flycheck',
flymake', `imenu', symbol highlighting,
lenses, links, and so on.
For finer granularity you may use `lsp-enable-*' properties.
Type: boolean
Default: t
Auto-execute single action.
Type: boolean
Default: nil
Automatically guess the project root using projectile/project.
Do not use this setting unless you are familiar with lsp-mode'
internals and you are sure that all of your projects are
projectile'/`project.el' conventions.
Type: boolean
Default: t
When non-nil register remote when registering the local one.
Type: boolean
Default: t
Shutdown or restart a single workspace.
If set and the current buffer has only a single workspace
associated with it, lsp-shutdown-workspace' and
lsp-restart-workspace' will act on it without asking.
Type: boolean
Default: t
If non-nil ensure the files exist before sending `textDocument/didOpen' notification.
Type: hook
Default: nil
Hooks to run before applying edits.
Type: hook
Default: nil
List of functions to be called before a Language Server has been initialized for a new workspace.
Type: hook
Default: nil
Hooks run before starting code suggestions.
Type: hook
Default: nil
List of functions to be called before a new file with LSP support is opened.
Type: boolean
Default: t
If non-nil, `lsp-mode' will apply edits suggested by the language server before saving a document.
Type: (repeat symbol)
Default: (ccls lsp-actionscript lsp-ada lsp-angular lsp-ansible lsp-asm lsp-astro lsp-autotools lsp-awk lsp-bash lsp-beancount lsp-bufls lsp-clangd lsp-clojure lsp-cmake lsp-cobol lsp-credo lsp-crystal lsp-csharp lsp-c3 lsp-css lsp-copilot lsp-cucumber lsp-cypher lsp-d lsp-dart lsp-dhall lsp-docker lsp-dockerfile lsp-earthly lsp-elixir lsp-elm lsp-emmet lsp-erlang lsp-eslint lsp-fortran lsp-futhark lsp-fsharp lsp-gdscript lsp-gleam lsp-glsl lsp-go lsp-golangci-lint lsp-grammarly lsp-graphql lsp-groovy lsp-hack lsp-haskell lsp-haxe lsp-idris lsp-java lsp-javascript lsp-jq lsp-json lsp-kotlin lsp-kubernetes-helm lsp-latex lsp-lisp lsp-ltex lsp-ltex-plus lsp-lua lsp-fennel lsp-magik lsp-markdown lsp-marksman lsp-matlab lsp-mdx lsp-meson lsp-metals lsp-mint lsp-mojo lsp-move lsp-mssql lsp-nextflow lsp-nginx lsp-nim lsp-nix lsp-nushell lsp-ocaml lsp-openscad lsp-pascal lsp-perl lsp-perlnavigator lsp-php lsp-pls lsp-purescript lsp-pwsh lsp-pyls lsp-pylsp lsp-pyright lsp-python-ms lsp-qml lsp-r lsp-racket lsp-remark lsp-rf lsp-roc lsp-roslyn lsp-rubocop lsp-ruby-lsp lsp-ruby-syntax-tree lsp-ruff lsp-rust lsp-semgrep lsp-shader lsp-solargraph lsp-solidity lsp-sonarlint lsp-sorbet lsp-sourcekit lsp-sql lsp-sqls lsp-steep lsp-svelte lsp-tailwindcss lsp-terraform lsp-tex lsp-tilt lsp-toml lsp-trunk lsp-ts-query lsp-ttcn3 lsp-typeprof lsp-typespec lsp-v lsp-vala lsp-verilog lsp-vetur lsp-vhdl lsp-vimscript lsp-volar lsp-wgsl lsp-xml lsp-yaml lsp-yang lsp-zig)
List of the clients to be automatically required.
Type: hook
Default: ((closure (t) nil (if (and lsp-inline-completion-enable (lsp-feature? textDocument/inlineCompletion)) (progn (lsp-inline-completion-mode)))) (closure (flymake-mode flymake-diagnostic-functions lsp-diagnostics-mode flycheck-checkers flycheck-checker flycheck-check-syntax-automatically flycheck-mode t) nil (if lsp-auto-configure (progn (lsp-diagnostics--enable)))) (closure (company-abort-on-unique-match company-backends yas-indent-line t) nil (if (and lsp-auto-configure lsp-completion-enable) (progn (lsp-completion--enable)))))
Hooks to run when `lsp-configure-buffer' is called.
Type: boolean
Default: t
If non-nil debounce full sync events. This flag affects only servers which do not support incremental updates.
Type: float
Default: 1.0
Time to wait before sending full sync synchronization after buffer modification.
Type: function
Default: nil
Default error handler customization. Handler should give METHOD as argument and return function of one argument ERROR.
Type: face
Default: ((t :height 0.8 :inherit shadow))
Used to display additional information throughout lsp'.
Things like line numbers, signatures, ... are considered
additional information. Often, additional faces are defined that
inherit from this face by default, like
lsp-signature-face', and
they may be customized for finer control.
Type: hook
Default: nil
Hooks to run after diagnostics are received.
Type: (repeat (symbol))
Default: nil
A list of disabled/blocklisted clients. Each entry in the list can be either: a symbol, the server-id for the LSP client, or a cons pair (MAJOR-MODE . CLIENTS), where MAJOR-MODE is the major-mode, and CLIENTS is either a client or a list of clients.
This option can also be used as a file- or directory-local variable to disable a language server for individual files or directories/projects respectively.
Type: boolean
Default: t
Showing inline image or not.
Type: (choice (const :tag Documents are synced by always sending the full content of the document. lsp--sync-full) (const :tag Documents are synced by always sending incremental changes to the document. lsp--sync-incremental) (const :tag Use the method recommended by the language server. nil))
Default: nil
How to sync the document with the language server.
Type: boolean
Default: t
If non-nil, `eldoc' will display hover info when it is present.
Type: boolean
Default: nil
Display all of the info returned by textDocument/hover. If this is set to nil, `eldoc' will show only the symbol information.
Type: boolean
Default: t
If non-nil, enable dap-auto-configure-mode
Type: boolean
Default: t
If non-nil lsp-mode will watch the files in the workspace if the server has requested that.
Type: boolean
Default: t
Enable/disable code folding support.
Type: boolean
Default: t
If non-nil, automatically enable imenu' integration when server provides
Type: boolean
Default: t
Indent regions using the file formatting functionality provided by the language server.
Type: boolean
Default: t
If non-nil, all references to links in a file will be made clickable, if supported by the language server.
Type: boolean
Default: t
Enable `textDocument/onTypeFormatting' integration.
Type: boolean
Default: t
When non-nil enable server downloading suggestions.
Type: boolean
Default: t
Highlight references of the symbol at point.
Type: boolean
Default: t
Enable `textDocument/documentColor' integration.
Type: boolean
Default: t
Enable xref integration.
Type: face
Default: ((t :inherit highlight :underline t))
Face used for highlighting symbols being read.
Type: face
Default: ((t :inherit highlight))
Face used for textual occurrences of symbols.
Type: face
Default: ((t :inherit highlight :weight bold))
Face used for highlighting symbols being written to.
Type: face
Default: ((t :underline t))
Face used to highlight the identifier being renamed. Renaming can be done using `lsp-rename'.
Type: (repeat string)
Default: ([/\\]\.git\' [/\\]\.github\' [/\\]\.gitlab\' [/\\]\.circleci\' [/\\]\.hg\' [/\\]\.bzr\' [/\\]_darcs\' [/\\]\.svn\' [/\\]_FOSSIL_\' [/\\]\.idea\' [/\\]\.ensime_cache\' [/\\]\.eunit\' [/\\]node_modules [/\\]\.yarn\' [/\\]\.turbo\' [/\\]\.fslckout\' [/\\]\.tox\' [/\\]\.nox\' [/\\]dist\' [/\\]dist-newstyle\' [/\\]\.stack-work\' [/\\]\.bloop\' [/\\]\.bsp\' [/\\]\.metals\' [/\\]target\' [/\\]\.ccls-cache\' [/\\]\.vs\' [/\\]\.vscode\' [/\\]\.venv\' [/\\]\.mypy_cache\' [/\\]\.pytest_cache\' [/\\]\.build\' [/\\]__pycache__\' [/\\]site-packages\' [/\\].pyenv\' [/\\]\.deps\' [/\\]build-aux\' [/\\]autom4te.cache\' [/\\]\.reference\' [/\\]bazel-[^/\\]+\' [/\\]\.cache[/\\]lsp-csharp\' [/\\]\.meta\' [/\\]\.nuget\' [/\\]Library\' [/\\]\.lsp\' [/\\]\.clj-kondo\' [/\\]\.shadow-cljs\' [/\\]\.babel_cache\' [/\\]\.cpcache\' [/\\]\checkouts\' [/\\]\.gradle\' [/\\]\.m2\' [/\\]bin/Debug\' [/\\]obj\' [/\\]_opam\' [/\\]_build\' [/\\]\.elixir_ls\' [/\\]\.elixir-tools\' [/\\]\.terraform\' [/\\]\.terragrunt-cache\' [/\\]\result [/\\]\result-bin [/\\]\.direnv\')
List of regexps matching directory paths which won't be monitored when creating file watches. Customization of this variable is only honored at the global level or at a root of an lsp workspace.
Type: (repeat string)
Default: ([/\\]flycheck_[^/\\]+\' [/\\]\.#[^/\\]+\' [/\\][^/\\]+~\')
List of regexps matching files for which change events will not be sent to the server.
This setting has no impact on whether a file-watch is created for a directory; it merely prevents notifications pertaining to matched files from being sent to the server. To prevent a file-watch from being created for a directory, customize `lsp-file-watch-ignored-directories'
Customization of this variable is only honored at the global level or at a root of an lsp workspace.
Type: number
Default: 1000
Show warning if the files to watch are more than. Set to nil to disable the warning.
Type: boolean
Default: t
If non-nil send the document changes update before sending other messages.
If nil, and lsp-debounce-full-sync-notifications' is non-nil,
change notifications will be throttled by
lsp-debounce-full-sync-notifications-interval' regardless of
other messages.
Type: boolean
Default: nil
If non-nil, only fold complete lines.
Type: (choice (const :tag No limit. nil) (integer :tag Number of lines.))
Default: nil
The maximum number of folding ranges to receive from the language server.
Type: boolean
Default: nil
Ignore the session file when calculating the project root.
You almost always want to set lsp-auto-guess-root too.
Do not use this setting unless you are familiar with lsp-mode'
internals and you are sure that all of your projects are
projectile'/`project.el' conventions.
Type: string
Default: (closure (tramp-ssh-controlmaster-options tramp-use-ssh-controlmaster-options view-inhibit-help-message lsp-help-mode-abbrev-table lsp-help-mode-syntax-table eldoc-documentation-default cl-struct-lsp--log-entry-tags cl-struct-lsp-session-tags cl-struct-lsp--workspace-tags cl-struct-lsp--registered-capability-tags lsp-mode-menu cl-struct-lsp--folding-range-tags cl-struct-lsp-watch-tags cl-struct-lsp--client-tags lsp--log-lines company-minimum-prefix-length dap-ui-menu-items dap-auto-configure-mode yas-also-auto-indent-first-line yas-wrap-around-region yas-indent-line yas-inhibit-overlay-modification-protection t) nil (cond ((executable-find gzip) lsp-ext-gunzip-script) (t nil)))
The script to decompress a gzipped file. Should be a format string with one argument for the file to be decompressed in place.
Type: number
Default: 0.5
Debounce interval for `after-change-functions'.
Type: boolean
Default: nil
If non-nil it will enable inlay hints.
Type: face
Default: ((t :inherit font-lock-comment-face))
The face to use for the JavaScript inlays.
Type: (string :tag String)
Default: %s
Format string for parameter inlays (part of the inlay face).
Type: face
Default: ((t :inherit lsp-inlay-hint-face))
Face for inlay parameter hints (e.g. function parameter names at call-site).
Type: face
Default: ((t :inherit lsp-inlay-hint-face))
Face for inlay type hints (e.g. inferred variable types).
Type: (string :tag String)
Default: %s
Format string for variable inlays (part of the inlay face).
Type: hook
Default: nil
Functions executed after accepting a code suggestion. The functions receive the text range that was updated by the completion.
Type: hook
Default: nil
Hooks executed before showing a suggestion.
Type: hook
Default: nil
Hooks executed after cancelling the completion UI.
Type: boolean
Default: t
If non-nil it will enable inline completions on idle.
Type: number
Default: 2
The number of seconds before trying to fetch inline completions, when lsp-inline-completion-mode is active.
Type: (repeat function)
Default: nil
When a function of this list returns non nil, lsp-inline-completion-mode will not show the completion.
Type: boolean
Default: t
If the inline completion mode should avoid calling completions when company is active.
Type: face
Default: ((t :inherit shadow))
Face for the inline code suggestions overlay.
Type: (choice (const :tag No Priority nil) (integer :tag Simple, Overriding Priority) (cons :tag Composite (choice (integer :tag Primary) (const :tag Primary Unset nil)) (integer :tag Secondary)))
Default: 9000
The priority of the overlay.
Type: hook
Default: nil
Hooks executed after showing a suggestion.
Type: boolean
Default: t
Insert a newline character at the end of the file if one does not exist.
Type: face
Default: ((t :foreground green))
Face used for installation buffers still in progress. Used in `lsp-select-installation-buffer'.
Type: face
Default: ((t :foreground orange))
Face used for finished installation buffers. Used in `lsp-select-installation-buffer'.
Type: (choice (const :tag Unlimited t) (integer :tag Messages))
Default: t
Maximum number of messages that can be locked in a `lsp-io' buffer.
Type: boolean
Default: t
If non nil keep workspace alive when the last workspace buffer is closed.
Type: string
Default: s-l
LSP-mode keymap prefix.
Type: boolean
Default: nil
If non-nil, log all messages from the language server to a lsp-log buffer.
Type: (repeat string)
Default: nil
The methods to filter before print to lsp-log-io.
Type: (choice (const :tag Disable nil) (integer :tag lines) (const :tag Unlimited t))
Default: 1000
Maximum number of lines to keep in the log buffer. If nil, disable message logging. If t, log messages but don`t truncate the buffer when it becomes large.
Type: hook
Default: nil
Hooks to run when buffer has changed.
Type: hook
Default: nil
Hooks to run after `lsp-idle-delay'.
Type: string
Default: ■
Display the char represent the document color in overlay
Type: (choice (const :tag Use modeline lsp-on-progress-modeline) (const :tag Legacy(uses either
progress-reporter' or spinner' based on
lsp-progress-via-spinner') lsp-on-progress-legacy) (const :tag Ignore ignore) (function :tag Other function))`
Default: lsp-on-progress-modeline
Function for handling the progress notifications.
Type: string
Default: ⌛
Progress prefix.
Type: (choice :tag Choose a spinner by name (const 3-line-clock) (const 2-line-clock) (const flipping-line) (const rotating-line) (const progress-bar) (const progress-bar-filled) (const vertical-breathing) (const vertical-rising) (const horizontal-breathing) (const horizontal-breathing-long) (const horizontal-moving) (const minibox) (const triangle) (const box-in-box) (const box-in-circle) (const half-circle) (const moon))
Default: progress-bar
Holds the type of spinner to be used in the mode-line. Takes a value accepted by `spinner-start'.
Type: boolean
Default: t
If non-nil, display LSP $/progress reports via a spinner in the modeline.
Type: boolean
Default: nil
If non-nil, exclude declarations when finding references.
Type: face
Default: ((t :inherit font-lock-variable-name-face))
Face used to display the rename placeholder in. When calling `lsp-rename' interactively, this will be the face of the new name.
Type: boolean
Default: t
Whether lsp-rename' should do a prepareRename first.
For some language servers, textDocument/prepareRename might be
too slow, in which case this variable may be set to nil.
lsp-rename' will then use thing-at-point'
symbol' to determine
the symbol to rename at point.
Type: boolean
Default: nil
Have lsp-request-while-no-input
block unless non-essential
is t.
Type: (choice (number :tag Seconds) (const :tag No timeout nil))
Default: 10
Number of seconds to wait for a response from the language server before timing out. Nil if no timeout.
Type: (choice (const interactive) (const auto-restart) (const ignore))
Default: interactive
Defines how server-exited events must be handled.
Type: directory
Default: ~/.emacs.d/.cache/lsp
Directory in which the servers will be installed.
Type: (choice (const :tag Disabled off) (const :tag Messages only messages) (const :tag Verbose verbose) (const :tag Default (disabled) nil))
Default: nil
Request tracing on the server side. The actual trace output at each level depends on the language server in use. Changes take effect only when a new session is started.
Type: file
Default: ~/.emacs.d/.lsp-session-v1
File where session information is stored.
Type: (repeat (choice (const :tag On trigger chars pressed. :on-trigger-char) (const :tag After selected completion. :after-completion) (const :tag When the server has sent show signature help. :on-server-request)))
Default: (:on-trigger-char :on-server-request)
Auto activate signature conditions.
Type: boolean
Default: t
Whether `lsp-signature-next' and prev should cycle.
Type: number
Default: 20
If number, limit the number of lines to show in the docs.
Type: face
Default: ((t :inherit lsp-details-face))
Used to display signatures in `imenu', ....
Type: function
Default: lsp-lv-message
The function used for displaying signature info. It will be called with one param - the signature info. When called with nil the signature info must be cleared.
Type: face
Default: ((t :inherit eldoc-highlight-function-argument))
The face to use to highlight function arguments in signatures.
Type: face
Default: ((t :inherit tooltip))
Background and foreground for `lsp-signature-posframe'.
Type: boolean
Default: t
Display signature documentation in `eldoc'.
Type: boolean
Default: nil
If non-nil skip current symbol when setting symbol highlights.
Type: (alist :key-type integer :value-type string)
Default: ((1 . File) (2 . Module) (3 . Namespace) (4 . Package) (5 . Class) (6 . Method) (7 . Property) (8 . Field) (9 . Constructor) (10 . Enum) (11 . Interface) (12 . Function) (13 . Variable) (14 . Constant) (15 . String) (16 . Number) (17 . Boolean) (18 . Array) (19 . Object) (20 . Key) (21 . Null) (22 . Enum Member) (23 . Struct) (24 . Event) (25 . Operator) (26 . Type Parameter))
Alist mapping SymbolKinds to human-readable strings. Various Symbol objects in the LSP protocol have an integral type, specifying what they are. This alist maps such type integrals to readable representations of them. See `', namespace SymbolKind.
Type: string
Default: (closure (tramp-ssh-controlmaster-options tramp-use-ssh-controlmaster-options view-inhibit-help-message lsp-help-mode-abbrev-table lsp-help-mode-syntax-table eldoc-documentation-default cl-struct-lsp--log-entry-tags cl-struct-lsp-session-tags cl-struct-lsp--workspace-tags cl-struct-lsp--registered-capability-tags lsp-mode-menu cl-struct-lsp--folding-range-tags cl-struct-lsp-watch-tags cl-struct-lsp--client-tags lsp--log-lines company-minimum-prefix-length dap-ui-menu-items dap-auto-configure-mode yas-also-auto-indent-first-line yas-wrap-around-region yas-indent-line yas-inhibit-overlay-modification-protection t) nil (cond ((executable-find tar) lsp-ext-tar-script) (t nil)))
The script to decompress a .tar.gz file. Should be a format string with one argument for the file to be decompressed in place.
Type: number
Default: 2
The timeout for tcp connection in seconds.
Type: boolean
Default: t
Trim all newlines after the final newline at the end of the file.
Type: boolean
Default: t
Trim trailing whitespace on a line.
Type: hook
Default: nil
Hooks to run when `lsp-unconfig-buffer' is called.
Type: string
Default: (closure (tramp-ssh-controlmaster-options tramp-use-ssh-controlmaster-options view-inhibit-help-message lsp-help-mode-abbrev-table lsp-help-mode-syntax-table eldoc-documentation-default cl-struct-lsp--log-entry-tags cl-struct-lsp-session-tags cl-struct-lsp--workspace-tags cl-struct-lsp--registered-capability-tags lsp-mode-menu cl-struct-lsp--folding-range-tags cl-struct-lsp-watch-tags cl-struct-lsp--client-tags lsp--log-lines company-minimum-prefix-length dap-ui-menu-items dap-auto-configure-mode yas-also-auto-indent-first-line yas-wrap-around-region yas-indent-line yas-inhibit-overlay-modification-protection t) nil (cond ((and (eq system-type 'windows-nt) (executable-find pwsh)) lsp-ext-pwsh-script) ((and (eq system-type 'windows-nt) (executable-find powershell)) lsp-ext-powershell-script) ((executable-find unzip) lsp-ext-unzip-script) ((executable-find pwsh) lsp-ext-pwsh-script) (t nil)))
The script to unzip.
Type: boolean
Default: t
Whether to check GPG signatures of downloaded files.
Type: string
Vscode extension template url.
Type: boolean
Default: t
Whether to show messages when there are no supported clients.
Type: hook
Default: nil
Hooks to run after the folders has changed. The hook will receive two parameters list of added and removed folders.
Type: boolean
Default: nil
If non-nil threat everything as references(e. g. jump if only one item.)